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Discover great trailblazing talent from Temple University’s advertising and public relations graduating seniors. These Klein campers are eager to foster meaningful connections and begin blazing their professional trails.

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Award Winning Students

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Best in Brand Strategy
Camille Kent
Best in Account Management
Justice Dyer
Best in Art Direction
Quinn Botkin
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Best in Copywriting
Christine Cozzo
Best in Media Planning
Mia Pons
Sarah Childs, Khalia Horton, Jesse Taylor, Leilani Leaston, Kate Malley, Rahael Atkerson, Justice Dyer
 Advertising        Public Relations
Sofia Volovar          Margo Haas
Melissa Troll, Natalie Peralta, Marcien Dorliae, Sean'Dre Reid
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Public Relations
Community Service Award

Mitchell Suchecki
Public Relations
Community Service Award

Mitchell Suchecki
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PR Student Society of America Temple Chapter Award
Jesse Taylor
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PR Student Society of America Member of the Year
Elena Erdley
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PROWL Member of the Year
Margo Haas
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Temple Ad Club 
Member of the Year

Lolade Kola-Adewuyi
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TU Black PR Society
Member of the Year
Camillia Benjamin
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Allotrope Member of the Year
Sarah Childs
Dr. James Marra Award for Excellence in Teaching
Lynn Hoban
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 Senior Advertising 
Isis Kirkland, Julia McNally
 Senior Public Relations
Mackenzie Dorward
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 Junior Advertising 
Audrey Smith
 Junior Public Relations
Jasmine Jiles
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 Sophomore Advertising 
Hannah Weiss
 Sophomore Public Relations
Sylvianna Colon
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 Freshman Advertising 
Abigail Rosen
 Freshman Public Relations
Alexandra Bonbrest
Olivia Hopely 
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Farrar Advertising Scholarship
Ciera Rybak
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Alan R. Yoffee
Memorial Scholarship

Kirsten Kanuika
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Jerry Klein
Professional Promise Award
Jaiden Charles
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Margaret Conti 
Memorial Scholarship

Amy Tewksbury
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Health + Commerce PR Scholarship
Anne Joseph, Abigail Ahia
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Jankowski Family
Strategic Communications Scholarship

Jaelyn Jennings, Francine Ferlick
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Marvin Pekovsky
Scholarship in Advertising

Christopher Chipollini
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The PCAW (Philadelphia Club of Advertising Women) Scholarship
Sophia Cangelosi, Devin Trinh
The Dr. Jean Brodey
Endowed Scholarship

Mia Senick, Julia Anderson
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Suburban PR Club Scholarship
Isa Walker
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Temple University

Klein College of Media and Communication

Annenberg Hall

2020 N 13th St.

Philadelphia, PA, 19122

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